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gift from

secret santa
from @kuroloml

gaicah library ❥ ҉


gift written by @_nfwmb_ !!

received: 12/16/2022

Ai absently walked towards a familiar pathway once she was done with her tasks for the day, the sounds of her shoes hitting the ground and the usual life of the forest accompanying her. As she reached her destination, a quaint temple, she couldn't help but notice the lack of a certain ayakashi that usually entertained the forest creatures.Quite sad that one of the twins weren't here today, but considering the noises from the back, it's possible he was working on a project. And so she went to Gaku's work area, in which she noticed a small space was cleared out for a particular machine he was working on, though from her angle she wasn't sure what it was."Hi.""What is it?" She didn't see him glance in her direction, but she knew she had his whole attention, what with the way his hands slowed down from inspecting the latest gadget to repair, or something that was recently repaired, judging by how shiny some of its edges are.Ai crept closer until she was in front of the... gramophone, if the horn laying nearby was any indication. "The client gave it to me a few days ago saying that the music wasn't playing." Gaku answered her before she was able to ask her question, "Something in the motor was fried, so I replaced it.""Oh, can we play a song before you return it to the client?" She asked excitedly, eagerly looking at the tsukumogami for approval. He merely hummed, putting some of the pieces back to its place before answering, "Why not, they gave me one to test it on to make sure it's working properly.""Yay!""Maybe we can dance to it too." He finally glanced at her, a smirk on his face. Ai ignored the burning of her cheeks at the thought and pouted at him, "You can't take that back, you know!" Gaku snorted at that, reaching out to her hand as if telling her to unclench it (and when did she clench it in the first place?) before standing up, "Alright, alright. Let me go look for it then."

gaicah library ❥ ҉


secret santa written by @kuroloml !!

received: 01/16/2023

“Please, please, please! I promise we’ll be quick!”Gaku couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of his girlfriend jumping up and down as she begged him to accompany her to pay a visit to Raccord. He never expected Ai to go through all the trouble of climbing up the mountains all the way to the shrine on such a cold winter day just to invite him to tag along on her little trip to the milk hall. But that’s just who she was. Energetic, unpredictable, and a little reckless. What if she had slipped on the snow and hurt herself on her way to the shrine? What if she caught a cold after going out and exposing herself to the low temperatures? Gaku knew he should be upset, but something about the excitement sparkling in her eyes as she asked him to come with her was way too cute to be mad at.“What is so special about that Christmas tree that you are so excited to see it, anyway?” he asked her.“Oji said they just finished setting it up, I want to be the first one to see it before they open up tomorrow! I heard he even got Aoi to decorate it with his own handmade ornaments, it must look so pretty!”“Is that so…?”Ai nodded enthusiastically.“So? What do you say?” she asked, staring expectantly at him as she awaited an answer.He looked over her shoulder, examining the weather outside. As he witnessed the glittering snowflakes falling to the ground one by one, the white layer adorning the blades of grass outside only kept on growing thicker. It was such a beautiful yet unfortunate view. The blizzard was showing no sign of stopping any time soon.Gaku sighed. He hated having to say no to Ai, but he couldn’t risk it. If he said yes and she got injured on their way back to the Capital, he would never forgive himself.He looked back at the girl standing in front of him.“I’m sorry. We’re not going anywhere,” he said, shaking his head.“Aww, but… why?”“It’s too dangerous to climb down the mountain in this weather. We can go tomorrow once everything calms down.”Ai didn’t reply. She pouted as her ahoge fell flat on top of her head.“Come on, don’t make that expression.” With an apologetic smile adorning his face, Gaku took her hands and sat her down gently. “You stay here. I’ll go get you something warm to drink.”Watching her boyfriend walk away, Ai sighed in resignation. It was no use arguing with Gaku. She knew he wouldn't give in.Defeated, she let her body drop to the floor, lying with her back against the ground. Having nothing else to do or anything to entertain herself with after her plans had been canceled so abruptly, Ai stared blankly at the ceiling, waiting for the tsukumogami to come back …---------------------------------By the time he returned, however, there was no cup of tea in between Gaku’s hands. Instead, what he held in the place where the mug of steaming hot liquid should have been, was nothing more than a bunch of paper slips.“I thought you were getting us something to drink?” asked Ai, frowning in confusion.Gaku grinned.“I had a better idea,” he replied, handing Ai half of the paper slips as he sat down in front of her.As soon as she got them in her hands, Ai realized that, unlike what she had originally thought, what she was holding were no ordinary pieces of paper, but a whole pack of blank paper talismans.“What are these for?” waving the talismans in the air, she asked again, feeling even more lost than she was seconds ago when the ayakashi came through the door.There was no response. Gaku was too immersed in working on his own talismans to give her an answer. Brush in hand, he was bending over the paper, skillfully distributing strokes across his small canvas.Ai crawled to his side, trying to take a peek over his shoulder to get a look at what he was painting. Upon sensing the girl’s presence next to him, Gaku finally spoke.“You were excited to see Raccord’s Christmas tree, weren’t you?”“I was… But what does that have to do with anything?”Gaku kept talking as he drew, never averting his eyes from the paper slip in front of him.“I can’t take you to see their decorations… But I figured we could make our own.”Make our own decorations…?It was then that the conversation she had held with Gaku hours earlier upon her arrival at the shrine replayed in her mind.“... I heard he even got Aoi to decorate the tree with his own handmade ornaments, it must look so pretty!”A mischievous smile escaped her lips as the realization dawned on her.So that’s why…“Hey… Gaku?” She placed a hand on his back, trying to get his attention. “Are you trying to cheer me up?”Then again, no reply.A few seconds of silence filled the air before a single word finally came out of Gaku’s mouth.“Done,” he said as he picked the talisman up from the floor and passed it on to Ai, completely ignoring what she had just asked him. “What do you think?”Deciding to let him off the hook for avoiding her question and not to tease him any further, Ai looked down at the paper slip in her hands, carefully scanning the picture that the boy’s hands had just created. What she found as she observed Gaku’s painting was an adorable, little drawing of a small Yura playing in the snow.After a moment of observing the sketch in complete silence and quietness, she burst out laughing.“What’s so funny?” Gaku asked, frowning as if he couldn’t comprehend the brunette’s reaction. “Is it that bad?”“No, not at all!” she replied, somehow managing to get her words out amidst her laughter. “I just think it’s cute!”Cute, she said.But she wasn’t talking about the drawing. Truth be told, that wasn’t the reason why she was laughing, either.She found it cute. The fact that Gaku stopped her from going back to the capital out of concern for her safety, how he had gone out of his way to find a way to brighten her mood, the effort that he had put into his painting just because he knew it was important to her, the way in which he refused to admit that he was doing it all for her… It was cute. He was cute.There was something funny about seeing the always cool and unbothered, somewhat sharp-tongued Gaku displaying his affection in such a way. He could be stubborn with words, which often led to people mistaking him for a much more serious and colder person than he actually was. But those closest to him were lucky enough to meet this side of him, which through his every action conveyed his love in the most genuine way Ai had ever felt someone care for her. She hoped that someday, everyone could get to meet and appreciate that facet of his. The affectionate guy that she had so helplessly fallen for.“Thank you, Gaku… This is perfect,” she said.With a sense of relief and satisfaction washing over him, Gaku smiled.“It’s nothing,” he replied as he grabbed a new paper talisman to start working on. “We can go outside and hang these on a tree when the snowfall stops.”And so they did. As soon as the last snowflake fell to the ground, Ai grabbed her boyfriend’s hand and dragged him outdoors.The remaining time of the day went by in a blink as they hung up their handmade ornaments and played in the snow.As they shared countless jokes and hugs while sitting under the Christmas tree that they had so carefully and lovingly built together, Ai could feel her heart thumping with joy. In replacement of the now dissipated feeling of sadness and disappointment that had weighed in her chest hours earlier, a sense of tranquility and euphoria was now wrapping her body, keeping her warm amidst the frozen air of the cold season.At that moment, she was almost glad that they were unable to visit Raccord. Even if she had the chance of going back in time, even if she suddenly woke up that morning with the power to control the weather and stop the snowfall so they could climb down the mountain safely… She wouldn’t change a thing. She would rather not have it any other way.As dawn kissed the sunlight goodbye and bathed the mountain in its orange light, Ai closed her eyes. In a silent whisper, she thanked the blizzard for keeping her stranded at the shrine that day.

gaicah library ❥ ҉


gift written by Solmi !!

received: 02/18/2023

———————————————————A/NA small thank you gift for Ai!I hope you enjoy reading & that I did aikakyu justice! ╰(´︶`)╯♡—————————————————————————————————————One fresh spring morning, the gentle rays of the sun shine down on a young girl staring at a wooden box placed in front of her. Running her fingers along all corners of the box, she lifts it towards the sun's gaze, murmuring to herself with a soft smile.

“No doubt the work of the great Kakyu!”

There was nothing strange about the box- but one more familiar with the eccentricities surrounding Kakyu's work would notice the little things.A typical himitsu bako¹ decorated outwardly with mosaic woodworking.And as to be expected, he wouldn't make it too easy to open.Maybe to prevent the wrong person from discovering what's inside, or maybe he silently enjoyed how adorably adamant she could be when trying her hand at one of his many works.Shaking the box lightly, she concludes that a note of some sort must have been placed inside.Spending many afternoons in each other's presence and watching him pry and fashion many trinkets have allowed her to remember a few quirks regarding his work- so although a bit tedious she was able to navigate the four corners and slide the pieces until she was able to loosen the lid."Too easy” she softly jokes.Sliding it carefully as to not accidentally damage the contents , her face beams when she sees a small note inside with one line :

I’ll see you at our usual spot,at sunset.(WIP. out of elements </3)